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Google Cloud Provider (GCP)

Install Google Cloud Cli​

Windows OS​

Run in Powershell
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$env:Temp\GoogleCloudSDKInstaller.exe")

& $env:Temp\GoogleCloudSDKInstaller.exe

Linux / Other OS​

Install GCP Cli in Linux


Console Login​

gcloud init # Login window open in browser
gcloud init --console-only # `--console-only` flag to prevent the command from launching a browser-based authorization flow, if required

Login using Service Account​

  1. Create the service Account
  2. Open the Service account and navigate to KEYS tab and click AddKey -> Create new key option.
  3. Select Json/P12 formate and click create button. It will download serviceaccount.json file.
# Login

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file serviceaccount.json

# List

gcloud auth list

Before access any service in GCP, please enable the appropriate API and provide the required permission to service account

SSH Config​

Copy the SSH Key from GCP -> Compute Engine -> Settings -> Metadata -> SSH Keys. If there no key available, generate new one with the below command and add the public key into SSH Keys.

Generate SSH key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/<ssh-file-name> -C <UserName> -b 2048   # Linux
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ./<ssh-file-name> -C <UserName> -b 2048 # Windows